Thursday, June 19, 2014

6/19/2014 Market Wrap

Nothing to Report
Nothing to Report
Trading Commentary:
The IP sector traded mostly flat today in conjunction with the overall markets.
At 10AM EST SCOTUS finally published their decision on the Alice v CLS
software patent case.  My opinion is most IP Investments and software patents
will not be affected.
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $   (0.0250) -0.0015                 207,300  $                             16.83
BCYP.OB  $      0.0050 4.76%                    72,300  $                             0.110
CLGL  unch  unch                      2,000  $                           0.0195
COPY.OB  $   (0.0150) -4.62%                      8,500  $                           0.3100
CRDS  $          0.16 5.69%                 719,900  $                               2.97
DSS     $          0.01 0.69%                 600,000  $                               1.45
EDIG.OB  $   (0.0020) -4.35%                    52,500  $                           0.0440
ENIP  $      0.0079 26.33%                 283,400  $                             0.038
INVT (EONC)  $          0.12 4.12%                    72,200  $                               3.03
FNJN.OB  $          0.15 2.91%                    62,500  $                               5.30
IDCC  $        (0.13) -0.28%                 330,700  $                             46.73
MARA.OB  unch  unch                    21,200  $                               9.80
MGT  $          0.02 1.72%                    11,100  $                               1.18
NTIP  $          0.02 1.03%                      8,500  $                               1.97
OTIV  $        (0.11) -4.00%                 100,300  $                               2.64
PCO   $          0.01 0.57%                    68,400  $                               1.70
PPRO  $        (0.15) -4.62%                    37,300  $                               3.10
PRKR  $        (0.05) -1.02%                 392,800  $                               4.96
PTNT  $        (0.02) -0.62%                    15,200  $                               3.22
RMBS  $        (0.01) -0.09%                 715,900  $                             14.65
SITO.OB  $      0.0350 10.14%                    57,500  $                             0.380
SPEX   $        (0.06) -3.09%              1,853,100  $                               1.88
STRP  $          0.46 4.65%                 133,100  $                             10.35
TIVO  $          0.29 2.42%              1,951,100  $                             12.58
TSRA  $        (0.16) -0.71%                 151,400  $                             22.46
UPIP  $          0.04 1.77%                 333,800  $                               2.27
VHC   $        (0.22) -1.30%                 299,900  $                             16.68
VRNG  $        (0.11) -3.06%              1,602,200  $                               3.51
WDDD.OB  $   (0.0040) -2.08%                    61,200  $                           0.1880
WILN   $          0.04 1.29%                    93,300  $                               3.13

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