Sunday, September 28, 2014

Total PIPCO Value 09/26/2014

Ticker  Shares   Market 
Closing Price  Outstanding   Value 
9/26/2014 9/26/2014 9/26/2014
ACTG  $15.90       50,105,138  $     796,671,694
BCYP.OB  $0.1200     226,208,269  $       27,144,992
CLGL  $2.00       33,400,000  $       66,800,000
COPY (ITUS)  $0.250     220,392,190  $       55,098,048
CRDS  $2.74       15,045,049  $       41,223,434
DSS     $0.92       42,213,737  $       38,836,638
EDIG.OB  $0.0400     293,328,330  $       11,733,133
ENIP  $0.0200       44,070,062  $           881,401
EONC (INVT)  $1.63       27,136,356  $       44,232,260
FNJN  $3.25 22,412,953  $       72,842,097
IDCC  $40.41 39,825,464  $  1,609,347,000
MARA  $14.66 5,746,808  $       84,248,205
MGT  $0.80 9,674,431  $        7,739,545
NTIP  $2.15       25,006,336  $       53,763,622
OTIV  $2.82       33,220,700  $       93,682,374
PCO   $1.37     265,940,686  $     364,338,740
PPRO  $2.65 20,741,572  $       54,965,166
PRKR  $1.20 97,017,683  $     116,421,220
PTNT  $3.08 7,751,952  $       23,876,012
RMBS  $12.76 114,384,666  $  1,459,548,338
SITO.OB  $0.37 150,728,628  $       55,769,592
SPEX   $0.8200       35,858,940  $       29,404,331
STRP  $13.08       11,795,097  $     154,279,869
TIVO  $13.01     115,570,392  $  1,503,570,800
TSRA  $27.40       52,489,712  $  1,438,218,109
UPIP  $1.95     110,437,198  $     215,352,536
VHC   $6.11       51,570,976  $     315,098,663
VRNG  $1.0100       92,545,862  $       93,471,321
WDDD.OB  $0.2200       96,554,322  $       21,241,951
WILN   $3.62     120,276,348  $     435,400,380
 Total =   $  9,285,201,472
9/19/2014  $  9,410,850,471
 Weekly Change   $    (125,648,999)

09/26/2014 Market Wrap

Nothing to Report
Nothing to Report
Trading Commentary:
Sector closed down 1.5%.
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $         0.03 0.19%         256,800  $15.90
BCYP.OB  unch  unch            68,100  $0.1200
CLGL  unch  unch  N/A   $2.00
COPY (ITUS)  $    0.0100 5.42%              2,500  $0.250
CRDS  $         0.40 16.92%         245,800  $2.74
DSS     $    0.0700 8.24%         346,000  $0.92
EDIG.OB  unch  unch         145,800  $0.0400
ENIP  unch  unch         139,500  $0.0200
INVT (EONC)  unch  unch            70,400  $1.63
FNJN  $      (0.02) -0.61%            66,900  $3.25
IDCC  $         0.64 1.61%         299,600  $40.41
MARA  $         0.03 0.21%            27,800  $14.66
MGT  $    (0.030) -3.50%            85,600  $0.80
NTIP  $         0.01 0.47%                  700  $2.15
OTIV  $      (0.16) -5.37%      1,170,000  $2.82
PCO   $         0.02 1.48%         274,200  $1.37
PPRO  $         0.10 3.92%              2,200  $2.65
PRKR  $         0.02 1.69%         236,900  $1.20
PTNT  unch  unch  N/A   $3.08
RMBS  $         0.42 3.40%         828,300  $12.76
SITO.OB  $    0.0200 5.71%            37,000  $0.37
SPEX   $    0.0100 0.91%         324,400  $0.8200
STRP  $      (0.22) -1.65%         118,584  $13.08
TIVO  $         0.09 0.70%      1,733,200  $13.01
TSRA  $         0.41 1.52%         338,200  $27.40
UPIP  $         0.06 3.17%         158,300  $1.95
VHC   $         0.66 12.11%      4,615,800  $6.11
VRNG  $         0.02 2.02%         868,600  $1.0100
WDDD.OB  $    0.0100 2.33%         147,500  $0.2200
WILN   $         0.06 1.69%         102,500  $3.62

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

09/23/2014 Market Wrap

ACTG announced a patent settlement and license with Nikon
in their Super Resolution subsidiary.
OTIV announced they have launched with Abnote a NFC
mobile payment trial with a large North American financial
Trading Commentary:
Sector closed down 1.5%.
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $      (0.44) -2.65%         370,200  $16.18
BCYP.OB  $    0.0042 3.51%         395,500  $0.1240
CLGL  unch  unch  N/A   $2.00
COPY (ITUS)  $  (0.0100) -4.00%            24,200  $0.240
CRDS  $         0.11 5.07%         176,400  $2.28
DSS     $  (0.1113) -11.72%         919,000  $0.84
EDIG.OB  $  (0.0006) -1.54%            72,600  $0.0383
ENIP  $    0.0001 0.50%         108,000  $0.0200
INVT (EONC)  $      (0.08) -4.37%            31,500  $1.75
FNJN  $      (0.11) -3.49%            12,700  $3.04
IDCC  $      (0.12) -0.30%         326,500  $40.12
MARA  $         0.08 0.59%            29,200  $13.64
MGT  $      0.002 0.21%            39,000  $0.96
NTIP  unch  unch  N/A   $2.13
OTIV  $         0.18 6.16%      3,915,600  $3.10
PCO   $         0.01 0.74%         453,600  $1.36
PPRO  $         0.02 0.83%              8,300  $2.42
PRKR  $         0.01 0.83%         473,200  $1.22
PTNT  unch  unch            34,800  $3.04
RMBS  $      (0.19) -1.46%         537,000  $12.47
SITO.OB  unch  unch         545,600  $0.35
SPEX   $    0.0195 2.14%         354,400  $0.9295
STRP  $      (0.21) -1.94%         152,200  $10.59
TIVO  $      (0.09) -0.70%      2,208,000  $12.85
TSRA  $      (0.28) -1.02%         308,700  $27.06
UPIP  $      (0.04) -2.09%         269,000  $1.87
VHC   $      (0.08) -1.59%      2,356,500  $4.95
VRNG  $      (0.00) -0.42%      3,230,700  $0.9955
WDDD.OB  $  (0.0300) -12.50%         321,800  $0.2100
WILN   $         0.06 1.71%            92,200  $3.57