Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10/29/2014 Market Wrap

DSS announced they will release earnings on November 12,
2014 after the close.
ITUS announced they authorized a $5M share buyback
WILN reported Q3 2014 results.
WILN announced a patent assignment with ROHM Co.
8K disclosing the MSJ in their case against Coupons.
Trading Commentary:
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $      (0.67) -3.83%         640,100  $16.83
BCYP.OB  $    0.0043 5.44%              1,800  $0.0833
CLGL (MVPI) unch unch  N/A   $0.34
COPY (ITUS) 0.01 5.56         360,700  $0.19
CRDS  $    0.0700 2.59%         100,500  $2.77
DSS     $  (0.0850) -12.69%         600,500  $0.585
EDIG.OB  $  (0.0040) -11.76%         302,600  $0.030
ENIP  unch  unch            15,300  $0.023
INVT (EONC)  $      (0.02) -1.50%            39,800  $1.31
FNJN  unch  unch              9,700  $2.20
IDCC  $      (0.72) -1.56%         453,000  $45.32
MARA  $      (0.19) -1.60%            21,300  $11.71
MGT  $    (0.013) -1.64%            31,100  $0.7999
NTIP  $      (0.06) -2.73%                  500  $2.14
OTIV  $         0.01 0.43%         111,500  $2.31
PCO   $      (0.04) -2.53%         156,800  $1.54
PPRO  $         0.04 1.66%                  100  $2.45
PRKR  $         0.04 3.42%         378,400  $1.21
PTNT  unch  unch  N/A   $3.00
RMBS  $         0.07 0.65%         703,600  $10.91
SITO.OB  $    0.0050 1.64%            88,600  $0.31
SPEX   $  (0.0200) -1.52%         483,200  $1.30
STRP  $      (0.07) -0.34%         119,900  $20.54
TIVO  $         0.03 0.23%      1,390,300  $13.08
TSRA  $         0.25 0.92%         242,800  $27.30
UPIP  $      (0.05) -3.05%         409,700  $1.59
VHC   $         0.02 0.34%         446,900  $5.98
VRNG  $  (0.0300) -2.83%         646,900  $1.03
WDDD.OB  $    0.0050 2.70%            69,100  $0.1900
WILN   $      (0.04) -1.26%            96,200  $3.14

1 comment:

  1. Zinc prices rose as a harsh winter in the United States and China hits supplies
    Trading Tips
