Saturday, November 29, 2014

IP Dealmakers Forum

IP Dealmakers Forum was held on November 6th and 7th in New York City.  It brought together essentially the whose who of players in the patent/ip field.  The event was well represented by various companies, law firms, advisers, consultants, brokers, and investors.

First off the venue was very nice.  Everything looked brand new, like it was built yesterday.  The staff at the event were very courteous and attentive.  The location was off the beaten track and I would recommend for the event to be held closer to midtown.  I was told the event was sold out.

I thought the panels were very good, highlighted by speakers Erich Spangenberg, Alex Poltorak, Michael Cohen, Jay Walker, Ashley Keller, Eran Zur, Doug Croxall, Jaime Siegel, and Eric Reifschneider.  These gentlemen are clearly leaders in their respective companies and the IP industry.  Having access to their viewpoints and information was extremely beneficial to supplement my outlook.

I thought my panel was very interesting and represented opinions that are probably never communicated to this audience.  Michael Cohen and myself are actively involved in some capacity in the secondary market for most of the publicly listed IP investments.  Michael more so on the binary events with the larger cap names.  I tend to focus on the 2-3 years before a suit ever reaches a jury trial.  I recommend to reach Michael for live coverage and opinions on complicated patent litigation -

My recommendations for more spacing between panels.  Most were back to back to back with no break in between.  I would also like to see more focus on damages as I feel that portion was under represented with the majority of the focus being on validity issues.  Having more investors presenting and in attendance would also be very beneficial for a future conference.

I recommend investors to attend future industry conferences to get better insight from the professionals who are actively managing IP in many different ways.

Total PIPCO Value 11/28/2014

Ticker  Shares   Market 
Closing Price  Outstanding   Value 
11/28/2014 11/28/2014 11/28/2014
ACTG  $19.02          50,120,699  $        953,295,695
BCYP.OB  $0.08         227,643,460  $          18,211,477
CLGL  $0.30          33,400,000  $          10,020,000
COPY (ITUS)  $0.17         216,842,190  $          36,863,172
CRDS  $2.84          15,045,049  $          42,727,939
DSS     $0.5384          42,213,654  $          22,727,831
EDIG.OB  $0.0366         293,328,330  $          10,735,817
ENIP  $0.0201          44,070,062  $              885,808
EONC (INVT)  $0.78          27,136,356  $          21,166,358
FNJN  $2.60          22,443,552  $          58,353,235
IDCC  $49.88          37,164,303  $     1,853,755,434
MARA  $14.94            6,789,905  $        101,441,181
MGT  $0.79          10,542,287  $           8,328,407
NTIP  $2.17          24,474,336  $          53,109,309
OTIV  $1.76          33,618,287  $          59,168,185
PCO   $1.41         266,822,495  $        376,219,718
PPRO  $2.74          20,741,572  $          56,831,907
PRKR  $1.03          97,139,766  $        100,053,959
PTNT  $2.98            7,751,952  $          23,100,817
RMBS  $11.85         114,753,168  $     1,359,825,041
SITO.OB  $0.2401         150,728,628  $          36,189,944
SPEX   $1.21          35,858,940  $          43,389,317
STRP  $20.26          11,195,949  $        226,829,927
TIVO  $12.18         115,570,392  $     1,407,647,375
TSRA  $34.18          52,489,712  $     1,794,098,356
UPIP  $1.37         111,849,288  $        153,233,525
VHC   $5.31          51,996,701  $        276,102,482
VRNG  $0.97          93,175,380  $          90,547,834
WDDD.OB  $0.155          96,554,322  $          14,965,920
WILN   $3.17         120,211,493  $        381,070,433
 Total =   $     9,590,896,402
11/21/2014  $     9,581,427,362
 Weekly Change   $           9,469,040

Friday, November 28, 2014

11/28/2014 Market Wrap

MARA announced the stock dividend payment date for
December 22, 2014.
VRNG announced they have received a favorable ruling in 
their case against ZTE in the United Kingdom.
Nothing to Report
Trading Commentary:
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $      (0.48) -2.46%         197,000  $19.02
BCYP.OB  $  (0.0010) -1.23%         128,600  $0.08
CLGL (MVPI) 0.02 7.14%              4,400  $0.30
COPY (ITUS) unch unch            16,000  $0.17
CRDS  $         0.16 5.97%            40,100  $2.84
DSS     $  (0.0016) -2.11%            45,600  $0.5384
EDIG.OB  $  (0.0044) -10.73%            44,500  $0.0366
ENIP  $  (0.0037) -15.55%              1,900  $0.0201
INVT (EONC)  $      (0.03) -3.70%            26,300  $0.78
FNJN  $      (0.08) -2.95%            23,900  $2.60
IDCC  $      (0.97) -1.91%         236,000  $49.88
MARA  $         0.01 0.07%            19,700  $14.94
MGT  $         0.03 3.95%            17,700  $0.79
NTIP  $      (0.01) -0.46%                  100  $2.17
OTIV  $      (0.07) -3.83%         334,900  $1.76
PCO   $      (0.04) -2.76%         139,800  $1.41
PPRO  unch  unch  N/A   $2.74
PRKR  $      (0.02) -1.90%         207,400  $1.03
PTNT  unch  unch            12,500  $2.98
RMBS  unch  unch         232,200  $11.85
SITO.OB  $  (0.0132) -5.21%         143,400  $0.2401
SPEX   $      (0.07) -5.47%         295,900  $1.21
STRP  $      (0.64) -3.06%            22,000  $20.26
TIVO  $         0.24 2.01%      1,456,900  $12.18
TSRA  $      (0.40) -1.16%         392,300  $34.18
UPIP  unch  unch         146,900  $1.37
VHC   $      (0.13) -2.39%         185,400  $5.31
VRNG  $         0.10 11.42%      4,171,500  $0.97
WDDD.OB  unch  unch            24,000  $0.155
WILN   $      (0.14) -4.23%            40,800  $3.17

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

11/25/2014 Market Wrap

IDCC announced a partnership with McGill University.
INVT announced they will be presenting at LD Micro on 
December 4, 2014.
MARA announced a stock dividend.
TIVO reported Q3 2014 Results
VRNG announced they will be presenting at LD Micro on 
December 3rd, 2014.
Nothing to Report
Trading Commentary:
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $         0.72 3.83%         672,900  $19.46
BCYP.OB  $    0.0020 2.53%            64,500  $0.081
CLGL (MVPI) -0.07 -20.00%            31,300  $0.28
COPY (ITUS) -0.005 -2.78%            15,000  $0.175
CRDS  $      (0.07) -2.63%              9,900  $2.59
DSS     $  (0.0490) -8.32%         363,100  $0.54
EDIG.OB  $  (0.0002) -0.50%            20,600  $0.0398
ENIP  $    0.0010 4.37%              4,000  $0.0239
INVT (EONC)  $      (0.05) -5.27%            99,300  $0.85
FNJN  $      (0.15) -5.54%              9,900  $2.56
IDCC  $         0.04 0.09%         263,800  $50.37
MARA  $      (0.11) -0.74%            48,000  $14.78
MGT  unch  unch            32,200  $0.77
NTIP  unch  unch                  700  $2.18
OTIV  $         0.10 6.17%      1,143,700  $1.72
PCO   unch  unch         110,800  $1.44
PPRO  unch  unch  N/A   $2.60
PRKR  $      (0.03) -2.79%      1,306,000  $1.05
PTNT  $         0.03 1.16%              2,300  $2.96
RMBS  $      (0.10) -0.86%         397,400  $11.66
SITO.OB  $    0.0194 8.41%            28,100  $0.2500
SPEX   $      (0.03) -2.22%         558,900  $1.32
STRP  $         0.69 3.42%         184,200  $20.87
TIVO  $      (0.04) -0.27%      1,963,600  $12.91
TSRA  $         0.59 1.74%         748,600  $34.46
UPIP  $         0.02 1.49%         317,800  $1.35
VHC   $      (0.09) -1.62%         424,900  $5.48
VRNG  $      (0.08) -8.37%      1,175,900  $0.87
WDDD.OB  $      0.029 19.33%            83,500  $0.179
WILN   $         0.01 0.30%            21,800  $3.32