Thursday, November 20, 2014

11/20/2014 Market Wrap

OTIV announced a proposed public offering of shares.
PPRO announced they will be presenting at the LD Micro
conference on December 3rd, 2014.
SPEX provided an update on their litigation with Cisco.
VHC announced they have updated their declarations to 
OTIV 425b5
Trading Commentary:
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $         0.27 1.50%         217,000  $18.32
BCYP.OB  $  (0.0035) -4.52%         209,600  $0.074
CLGL (MVPI) -0.0001 -0.03%            12,000  $0.3999
COPY (ITUS) 0.0039 2.12%              8,000  $0.188
CRDS  $         0.03 1.23%            35,900  $2.73
DSS     $  (0.1280) -18.82%         532,700  $0.552
EDIG.OB  $    0.0073 22.32%         487,800  $0.0400
ENIP  unch  unch            32,800  $0.0240
INVT (EONC)  $         0.08 9.30%         163,700  $0.94
FNJN  $         0.06 2.56%              2,700  $2.40
IDCC  $         1.27 2.58%         267,900  $50.43
MARA  $      (0.15) -1.06%            22,300  $13.95
MGT  $  (0.0281) -3.51%         182,200  $0.7725
NTIP  $      (0.03) -1.19%            44,900  $2.17
OTIV  $      (0.08) -4.04%         505,800  $1.90
PCO   $         0.08 5.88%         240,500  $1.44
PPRO  $      (0.05) -1.89%                  100  $2.60
PRKR  $         0.04 3.92%         462,200  $1.06
PTNT  $      (0.04) -1.32%              1,800  $3.00
RMBS  $         0.25 2.21%         358,100  $11.55
SITO.OB  $    0.0050 1.92%            14,500  $0.265
SPEX   $      (0.09) -5.59%      1,695,900  $1.52
STRP  $         0.69 3.95%            98,800  $18.16
TIVO  $         0.02 0.16%      2,839,600  $12.89
TSRA  $         0.69 2.11%         484,200  $33.38
UPIP  unch  unch         570,600  $1.37
VHC   $         0.27 5.22%         389,800  $5.44
VRNG  $         0.02 2.24%         295,500  $0.91
WDDD.OB  $      0.015 10.00%            28,900  $0.165
WILN   $         0.05 1.54%            20,200  $3.30

1 comment:

  1. TVS Motor Company reported robust sales nos with a 39% increase in total sales at 2,56,909 units in December
    Forex trading tips
