Monday, December 1, 2014

12/1/2014 Market Wrap

MARA announced they have started the enforcement of
the injunction against Stryker in Germany.
WILN and SENSIO expanded their licensing partnership.
Nothing to Report
Trading Commentary:
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $      (0.54) -2.84%         389,800  $18.48
BCYP.OB  unch  unch         106,800  $0.08
CLGL (MVPI) unch unch                  300  $0.30
COPY (ITUS) -0.02 -11.76%         128,000  $0.15
CRDS  $      (0.15) -5.28%            25,100  $2.69
DSS     $  (0.0284) -5.27%         238,300  $0.51
EDIG.OB  $    0.0044 12.02%         619,200  $0.041
ENIP  $    0.0001 0.50%              3,400  $0.0202
INVT (EONC)  $      (0.01) -1.28%            82,100  $0.77
FNJN  $      (0.22) -8.46%            29,300  $2.38
IDCC  $         0.46 0.92%         412,500  $50.34
MARA  $      (0.34) -2.28%            20,300  $14.60
MGT  $  (0.0384) -4.86%            42,800  $0.7516
NTIP  $      (0.06) -2.76%              4,400  $2.11
OTIV  $      (0.13) -7.39%         908,600  $1.63
PCO   $      (0.02) -1.42%         179,000  $1.39
PPRO  $      (0.16) -5.84%              3,400  $2.58
PRKR  $    (0.041) -3.98%         778,000  $0.989
PTNT  $      (0.09) -3.02%              7,700  $2.89
RMBS  $      (0.44) -3.71%         494,000  $11.41
SITO.OB  $    0.0299 12.45%            12,500  $0.27
SPEX   $      (0.10) -8.26%         988,100  $1.11
STRP  $      (0.40) -1.97%         132,100  $19.86
TIVO  $      (0.13) -1.07%      2,833,800  $12.05
TSRA  $         0.23 0.67%         611,100  $34.41
UPIP  $      (0.03) -2.19%         253,400  $1.34
VHC   $      (0.45) -8.47%         482,700  $4.86
VRNG  $      (0.07) -7.39%      1,218,200  $0.90
WDDD.OB  $    (0.005) -3.23%         128,900  $0.15
WILN   $      (0.02) -0.63%            49,100  $3.15

1 comment:

  1. Infosys: The company has informed the bourses that some members of the promoters and promoter group may participate in the proposed buyback.
