Monday, December 29, 2014

12/29/2014 Market Wrap

ACTG announced the acquisition of another marquee portfolio
from Nokia.
DSS announced the closing of its public offering.
Nothing to Report
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $      (0.25) -1.40%         262,000  $17.90
BCYP.OB  $    (0.002) -1.15%      1,606,000  $0.172
CLGL (MVPI) unch unch              2,000  $0.20
COPY (ITUS) -0.015 -11.54%         331,700  $0.115
CRDS  $      (0.08) -3.20%            29,600  $2.42
DSS     $    (0.029) -6.04%         257,500  $(0.451)
EDIG.OB  $  (0.0225) -16.25%      2,056,000  $0.116
ENIP  $  (0.0027) -13.64%         200,200  $0.0171
INVT (EONC)  $  (0.0088) -1.49%            83,400  $0.5812
FNJN  $      (0.03) -1.31%            12,900  $2.26
IDCC  $      (0.04) -0.07%         146,000  $54.32
MARA  $      (0.17) -1.87%            46,000  $8.93
MGT  $    (0.015) -2.56%         111,000  $0.57
NTIP  $         0.01 0.54%            11,300  $2.24
OTIV  $      (0.04) -2.34%         216,900  $1.67
PCO   $      (0.01) -0.73%            85,400  $1.36
PPRO  $      (0.05) -2.38%              2,600  $2.05
PRKR  $  (0.0549) -5.72%         493,500  $0.905
PTNT  $      (0.03) -1.12%                  100  $2.64
RMBS  $      (0.18) -1.55%         449,300  $11.42
SITO.OB  $      (0.06) -26.09%      1,741,600  $0.17
SPEX   $      (0.01) -0.89%         209,700  $1.11
STRP  $      (0.94) -4.71%            73,600  $19.02
TIVO  $         0.01 0.08%      1,253,700  $12.06
TSRA  $      (0.25) -0.68%         379,500  $36.59
UPIP  $  (0.0299) -2.05%         464,700  $0.9991
VHC   $      (0.11) -1.90%         581,800  $5.69
VRNG  $  (0.0269) -4.79%      1,508,900  $0.5342
WDDD.OB  $      0.003 2.00%            64,700  $0.153
WILN   $      (0.07) -2.27%         140,400  $3.02

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