Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9/2014 Market Wrap

CRDS announced Q4 and FY 2014 Results.
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $         0.75 4.12%         269,200  $18.94
BCYP.OB  $  (0.0050) -6.24%      3,895,600  $0.0751
CLGL (MVPI) -0.04 -20.00%            17,500  $0.16
COPY (ITUS) -0.0135 -8.31%         272,700  $0.149
CRDS  $      0.100 4.02%            15,200  $2.61
DSS     $      0.035 6.80%            85,400  $0.55
EDIG.OB  $  (0.0004) -1.05%         251,200  $0.0376
ENIP  $    0.0006 2.61%            48,000  $0.0236
INVT (EONC)  $    (0.048) -6.58%            60,100  $0.682
FNJN  $      (0.05) -1.95%              6,200  $2.51
IDCC  $      2.000 3.88%         466,800  $53.38
MARA  $      (0.50) -2.81%            71,900  $17.30
MGT  $  (0.0100) -1.37%            26,700  $0.72
NTIP  $         0.04 1.81%              6,200  $2.25
OTIV  $         0.15 9.38%         459,000  $1.75
PCO   $         0.08 6.30%         262,400  $1.35
PPRO  $      (0.04) -1.63%                  200  $2.41
PRKR  $    0.0164 1.86%         545,600  $0.90
PTNT  $         0.02 0.72%              3,800  $2.78
RMBS  $         0.23 1.99%         449,800  $11.81
SITO.OB  $    0.0139 5.89%              6,000  $0.2500
SPEX   $      (0.01) -0.78%         218,700  $1.27
STRP  $      (0.45) -2.22%         154,700  $19.86
TIVO  $         0.09 0.74%      1,056,900  $12.19
TSRA  $         0.70 1.99%         996,900  $35.95
UPIP  $         0.05 3.47%         224,900  $1.49
VHC   $         0.15 3.33%         411,400  $4.65
VRNG  $    0.0534 6.76%         814,500  $0.8434
WDDD.OB  $      0.002 1.27%         476,200  $0.16
WILN   $         0.02 0.62%            36,300  $3.26

1 comment:

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