Monday, March 23, 2015

3/23/2015 Market Wrap

IDCC announced they will present at the the First Cambridge
Wireless Technology Conference on March 24, 2015.
PCO announced they received their Markman order in their
ContentGuard litigation.
PPRO announced executives have entered into 10b5-1
purchase plans.
RMBS announced a patent and technology license with 
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $          0.31 2.79%         379,800  $11.43
ANDR  unch  unch              3,000  $0.079
BCYP  $        0.003 2.07%            21,200  $0.148
CRDS  $        (0.09) -3.18%         107,000  $2.74
DSS     $      (0.015) -4.00%            84,100  $0.3504
EDIG  $      0.0104 9.28%         687,400  $0.123
ENIP  $   (0.0002) -12.35%      4,556,900  $0.0015
FNJN  $          0.02 0.99%            27,600  $2.05
IDCC  $          0.79 1.48%         316,400  $54.08
INVT  $      0.0143 1.77%         405,700  $0.82
ITUS  $      0.0083 7.25%         398,100  $0.1228
MARA  $          0.35 5.30%         151,600  $6.95
MAXD  $      0.0004 1.50%         858,400  $0.027
MGT  $   (0.0208) -5.32%         150,900  $0.37
MVPI  $          0.02 15.31%              9,800  $0.1499
NEON  $          0.24 8.89%         376,600  $2.94
NLST  $          0.05 4.07%         304,100  $1.28
NTIP  $          0.17 8.33%            54,000  $2.21
OTIV  $          0.01 0.79%         290,600  $1.28
PAYD  $   (0.0025) -3.85%         150,000  $0.0625
PCO   unch  unch         124,400  $1.23
PPRO  $          0.06 4.38%            36,400  $1.43
PRKR  $          0.01 1.07%         156,400  $0.8692
PTNT  $          0.11 4.28%              3,100  $2.68
RMBS  $        (0.11) -0.86%         294,700  $12.63
RPXC  $        (0.12) -0.81%         245,100  $14.89
SITO  $        (0.04) -12.12%         155,900  $0.2899
SPEX   $      0.0239 2.55%         527,500  $0.9598
STRP  $          0.07 0.35%            44,000  $20.09
TIVO  $          0.12 1.13%      1,601,000  $10.73
TSRA  $        (0.22) -0.51%         614,500  $43.32
UPIP  $   (0.0048) -0.81%         221,400  $0.59
VHC   $        (0.12) -1.95%         308,800  $6.02
VRNG  $   (0.0339) -4.32%         735,100  $0.75
WDDD  $   (0.0011) -0.73%            63,100  $0.1489
WILN   $      (0.030) -1.22%         106,000  $2.43

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