Thursday, September 4, 2014

09/04/2014 Market Wrap

CRDS announced they have partnered with Qualstar to 
deliver archiving solutions
FNJN provided an update to their litigation with Proofpoint
with the court denying a motion to stay the case pending
a review at the USPTO.
INVT announced they will be presenting at the Rodman
& Renshow conference on 9/10/2014 and at the 2014
Aegis Health & Technology conference on 9/12/2014.
PCO announced they hired a new CFO
MARA filed a new S-3
Trading Commentary:
The sector traded mostly flat today closing down .09%.
Other than MGT  and OTIV there was not much movement
in the space.
MGT moved higher again and has been on a very nice run
nearly $1 higher from its recent lows.  I am not exactly
sure why it has been moving higher.  The Aruze case is 
stayed with the Markman hearing being rescheduled.
STRP again closed higher up 2.8% on average volume.
VHC spiked lower this morning down to $13.69 before
recovering the rest of the day.  Shares closed down 1.3%.
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $        0.15 0.87%         277,000  $17.72
BCYP.OB  unch  unch         496,000  $0.1300
CLGL  unch  unch            65,000  $0.0200
COPY (ITUS)  $ (0.0050) -1.92%            84,600  $0.255
CRDS  $        0.02 0.68%            20,400  $2.97
DSS     $ (0.0100) -0.87%         182,900  $1.13
EDIG.OB  unch  unch         243,900  $0.0410
ENIP  $   0.0003 0.76%         188,700  $0.0400
INVT (EONC)  unch  unch            36,200  $1.88
FNJN  unch  unch              9,700  $4.43
IDCC  $      (0.45) -1.02%         317,500  $43.76
MARA  $      (0.15) -1.32%            23,300  $11.20
MGT  $        0.21 15.00%         133,800  $1.61
NTIP  $        0.05 2.38%              2,600  $2.15
OTIV  $        0.11 4.04%         667,000  $2.83
PCO   $      (0.02) -1.27%         416,700  $1.55
PPRO  $        0.05 2.13%              1,000  $2.40
PRKR  $        0.01 0.81%         436,800  $1.24
PTNT  $        0.01 0.46%              2,300  $3.05
RMBS  $        0.18 1.50%         469,700  $12.15
SITO.OB  unch  unch            38,800  $0.39
SPEX   $      (0.03) -2.04%         664,900  $1.44
STRP  $        0.27 2.80%         108,700  $9.90
TIVO  $      (0.20) -1.47%         949,800  $13.41
TSRA  $        0.06 0.18%         765,200  $29.83
UPIP  $      (0.05) -2.39%         111,300  $2.04
VHC   $      (0.20) -1.38%         361,100  $14.30
VRNG  $        0.01 1.47%      1,204,700  $1.03
WDDD.OB  $   0.0090 5.29%            68,500  $0.1790
WILN   $      (0.02) -0.51%         154,400  $3.88

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