Saturday, March 29, 2014

Virnetx Model 3/29/2014

Revenues 2014 2015 2016
2012 Jury Verdict  $        368,000,000
11/06/2013 - 2/26/2013 Supp Damages  $          36,960,000
3/1/2013-12/31/2013 Royalty Owed  $        284,417,027
1/1/2014-12/31/2014 Royalty Owed  $        358,365,453
Assuming Y/Y 5% growth
2015 Royalty Owed  $        376,283,725
2016 Royalty Owed        $             395,097,911
Total  $    1,047,742,479  $        376,283,725  $             395,097,911
25% portion owed to SAIC  $    93,140,800.00  $                            -    $                                 -  
8% owed to McKool Smith / CCC  $    32,396,800.00  $                            -    $                                 -  
Virnetx Expenses  $    20,000,000.00  $    20,000,000.00  $         20,000,000.00
Total  $  145,537,600.00  $    20,000,000.00  $         20,000,000.00
Income Before Taxes  $  902,204,879.22  $  356,283,725.18  $       375,097,911.44
Taxes 35%  $  315,771,707.73  $  124,699,303.81  $       131,284,269.00
Net Income  $  586,433,171.49  $  231,584,421.37  $       243,813,642.43
Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding 55,000,0000
EPS  $                     10.66  $                       4.21  $                            4.43
The royalty base is affirmed at the CAFC, en banc is denied, and USSC is not heard.
Apple does not develop a workaround for VPNoD and Facetime.
Does not include any damages from the Fall 2015 Trial.
Does not include any further licensing from non-defendants.
Does not include any Microsoft damages or license.
Does not include any revenues from a Cisco retrial or license.
A payment for the jury verdict / supplemental damages would be received in late 2014 or
sometime in 2015.  Timing adjustments might be needed.
Does not include any interest owed by Apple.
Assumes SAIC and MS/CCC owed portion only covers the jury verdict and final judgment
through 2/26/2013.  Ongoing royalties are not covered in their respective agreements.


  1. Nice and easy report for us to follow IPHAWK! Thank You! And much appreciated for all of us who rely on the time and attention you spend putting this type of information together! Again, Thank You! (KH/RSD)

  2. Thank you for the comment. A lot hinges on the CAFC pending opinion.

  3. I'm not too worried about the CAFC. If you actually listen to it, all of the questions are answered by Judge Davis in the appeals motion and quite thoroughly. 13% change of getting remanded. 13%. I'll take those odds.
