Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4/2/2014 Market Wrap

Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing Price
ACTG  $                  0.37 2.32%                           581,200  $                    16.31
BCYP.OB  $             0.0050 3.85%                       3,285,600  $                    0.135
CLGL  $           (0.0025) -9.26%                           269,000  $                      0.02
COPY.OB  $             (0.020) -6.90%                           502,100  $                    0.270
CRDS  $                  0.02 0.81%                           141,600  $                      2.48
DSS     $                  0.01 0.74%                           247,200  $                      1.36
EDIG.OB  $             0.0010 1.72%                           127,100  $                  0.0590
ENIP  $           (0.0070) -8.05%                           232,400  $                    0.080
EONC  $                  0.09 1.82%                             78,700  $                      5.04
FNJN.OB  $                  0.25 3.85%                             12,400  $                      6.75
IDCC  $                  0.68 1.96%                           251,500  $                    35.46
MARA.OB  $                  0.20 2.99%                             18,700  $                      6.90
MGT  $                  0.07 3.68%                             49,300  $                      1.97
NTIP  $               (0.04) -2.31%                             22,100  $                      1.69
OTIV  $               (0.04) -1.48%                           283,300  $                      2.66
PCO   $               (0.01) -0.54%                             91,500  $                      1.84
PPRO  $                  0.05 1.33%                             12,700  $                      3.80
PRKR  $               (0.07) -1.44%                           419,100  $                      4.79
PTNT  $               (0.05) -1.47%                             59,500  $                      3.35
RMBS  $                  0.27 2.38%                       2,076,300  $                    11.61
SITO.OB  unch  unch                             30,300  $                    0.390
SPEX   $               (0.15) -4.98%                           473,700  $                      2.86
STRP  $               (0.06) -0.81%                             23,500  $                      7.32
TIVO  $               (0.05) -0.38%                       1,659,100  $                    13.25
TSRA  $                  0.04 0.17%                           220,300  $                    23.80
UPIP  $               (0.02) -0.91%                           653,400  $                      2.17
VHC   $                  0.20 1.38%                           232,700  $                    14.70
VRNG  $                  0.09 2.42%                       2,529,500  $                      3.81
WDDD.OB  $           (0.0060) -3.64%                             61,300  $                  0.1590
WILN   $                  0.02 0.74%                           164,700  $                      3.01
Virnetx (VHC) the Appeal of the Royalty rate was filed at the CAFC.  This is NOT the
pending Appeal that was already filed and had an oral hearing.
Nothing to Report.

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