Tuesday, April 8, 2014

4/8/2014 Market Wrap

Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing Price
ACTG  $                  0.46 2.70%                           492,800  $                    17.50
BCYP.OB  $             0.0070 5.38%                           514,800  $                    0.137
CLGL  unch  unch  zero   $                  0.0215
COPY.OB  $             (0.000) -0.09%                           134,100  $                    0.231
CRDS  $                  0.06 2.50%                             68,800  $                      2.46
DSS     $               (0.02) -1.13%                           138,800  $                      1.31
EDIG.OB  $             0.0041 7.68%                             19,500  $                  0.0575
ENIP  $           (0.0123) -18.09%                             89,600  $                    0.056
EONC  unch  unch                             33,000  $                      4.61
FNJN.OB  $               (0.26) 39300.00%                             39,300  $                      5.99
IDCC  $                  2.24 6.84%                           315,000  $                    34.98
MARA.OB  $                  0.34 5.35%                                6,900  $                      6.70
MGT  $               (0.02) -1.00%                                8,800  $                      1.98
NTIP  $               (0.04) -2.14%                             10,300  $                      1.64
OTIV  unch  unch                           183,900  $                      2.30
PCO   $                  0.02 1.16%                           217,400  $                      1.78
PPRO  unch  unch  zero   $                      3.80
PRKR  $               (0.02) -0.43%                           648,500  $                      4.43
PTNT  $               (0.06) -1.80%                                6,400  $                      3.28
RMBS  $                  0.06 0.56%                       1,162,800  $                    11.18
SITO.OB  unch  unch                             22,700  $                    0.400
SPEX   $                  0.12 5.00%                           407,000  $                      2.52
STRP  $                  0.06 0.89%                             56,800  $                      6.80
TIVO  $               (0.05) -0.40%                       1,530,700  $                    12.37
TSRA  $                  0.09 0.39%                           354,700  $                    22.93
UPIP  $                  0.01 0.50%                           716,300  $                      2.03
VHC   $                  0.43 3.12%                           339,500  $                    14.22
VRNG  $                  0.15 3.98%                       1,868,500  $                      3.92
WDDD.OB  $           (0.0001) -0.06%                             52,000  $                  0.1724
WILN   $                  0.03 1.02%                             65,800  $                      2.94
Crossroads (CRDS) announced that they have regained compliance with their Nasdaq
Marathon PG (MARA) filed two patent lawsuits in Delaware under their Sampo 
subsidiary against Twitter and TIBCO.
Nothing to Report.

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